💰學習長期人生理財第一課-小心真假導師-小天使分享學習人生理財-Charlie Munger DESTROYS Fake Gurus

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😇誰是真假導師-Charlie Munger DESTROYS Fake Gurus

Charlie Munger DESTROYS Fake Gurus

😇小天使啟蒙靈魂導師之一:查理芒格-Charles Thomas Munger

這是小天使的理財投資啟蒙老師之一,也是我最敬重的老師『查理芒格-Charles Thomas Munger』在其中一次的股東大會中,提到的一些有關『理財觀念的分享』。

🥸“To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of undeserving people.”


查理芒格-Charles Thomas Munger












💰學習長期人生理財第一課-小心真假導師-小天使分享學習人生理財-Charlie Munger DESTROYS Fake Gurus
💰學習長期人生理財第一課-小心真假導師-小天使分享學習人生理財-Charlie Munger DESTROYS Fake Gurus











💰學習長期人生理財第一課-小心真假導師-小天使分享學習人生理財-Charlie Munger DESTROYS Fake Gurus
💰學習長期人生理財第一課-小心真假導師-小天使分享學習人生理財-Charlie Munger DESTROYS Fake Gurus











💰學習長期人生理財第一課-小心真假導師-小天使分享學習人生理財-Charlie Munger DESTROYS Fake Gurus
💰學習長期人生理財第一課-小心真假導師-小天使分享學習人生理財-Charlie Munger DESTROYS Fake Gurus







下面是小天使把『查理芒格老師-Charlie Munger DESTROYS Fake Gurus-這段的影片字幕分享出來』



💰學習長期人生理財第一課-小心真假導師-小天使分享學習人生理財-Charlie Munger DESTROYS Fake Gurus
💰學習長期人生理財第一課-小心真假導師-小天使分享學習人生理財-Charlie Munger DESTROYS Fake Gurus


If you take the modern World where people are trying to teach you how to come in and trade actively in stocks.


I regard that as roughly equivalent to trying to inducea bunch of young people start off on heroin.

It’s really Stupid.

And When you’re already rich to make your money by encouraging people to get rich by trading?

And then there are people on the TV another wonderful place,and they say.

“I have this Book that will teach you how to make 300% a Year”.

All you have to do is pay for shipping and I’ll mail to you.

How likely is it that a person who suddenly find a way to make 300% a year would be trying to sell books on the internet to you!

Yeah~It’s ridiculous~

And yet I Have described modern commerec,and the people who do this all day think they are useful citizens.

The advertising agencies who invent the lingo in insurnce they say,

“Well~They Say~“

“The Two People who shifted from GEICO to the Glotz insurence company save $400 each”

But They don’t tell is that there are only two such people in the whole United States.

And they were both nuts.

But they mislead on purpose,And I get tired of it and I don’t think it is right that we deliberately mislead people as much as we do.

Let me tell you another story,

That I think is an interesting one about the morden life,But this goes back to a difference time,

This man has this woderfual horse ,and It’s just a marvelous horse.

It is an easy gait,good look and everything,it just works wonderfully,

but also occasionally it just gets so he’s Dangerous and vicious and causes enormous damage and trouble and breaks arm and legs for his rider and so on.

And he goes to vet and say:

“What Can I do about this horse?”

And The Vet Says:

“That’s very easy problem and I’m glad to help you”.

He say:”What sould I do?”

And Men says,

“The next time your horse behaving well,Sell it”

Well~Think about it immoral that is,And haven’t I just described what private equity has to do?

When private equity has to sell somthing that is really troublesome,

They hire an investment banker

and what does the investment banker do?

He makes a projection~

I have never seen such expertize in my whole life as is created in marking projections in investment banking.

There is no business so lousy that it can’t get a wonderful projection.

But it that a great way to make a living to have phony projections and use it to make money out of.

People you look right into their eyes of?I world say ~NO and By and Large~

Warren and I,

We never tried to make money out of dumb~

Say out of Stupidity of our dumb buyers.

We tried to make money by buying,and if we will selling horseshit we did’t want to pretend it was a cure for arthritis.

And I think it is better to go through life our way,Instead of theirs.

I think it always been this way ,
I think there’s always been chicanery,
Think of the carnivals,the carny operator,
Think of how much trickery there is in a carny operation,
And People just seek out of weaknesses of their fellow man and take advantage,
And you have to get wise enough so you avoid them all.
And you can’t avoid them if they’re in your family,
I have no solution to that one.

But where you have a fair choice ,
There are just so many people that sould be avoided.

My father had this best friend and client,
and he also had this other client who is a big blowhard.

And he was always working for the big blowhard and he wasn’t everyworking for his wonderful client whom I am admired.

And I say:”Why you do this?”.
And he say:”Charlie ~you idiot”.
He say :The big blowhard is an endless source of legal troubles,
He’s always in trouble ,overreaching and misbehaving and so forth.
Whereas Grant McFadden treats everybody right.
The employees,the Customers, everything ,
and if he gets involved with some psychotic he walks over there and makes a graceful exit immediately.
So a man like that doesn’t need lawyer,
And My father was trying to teach me something and it really worked.

I spent my whole life ,Trying to be like Grant McFadden.
And I want to tell you it works~
It really works~
Peter Kaufman is always telling me, if the crooks only knew how much money you could make by being honest,Thay’d all behave differently.
Warren has a wonderfual saying:
that I like ,he says:
“If you take the high road,It’s never crowded”.

Definition of ’take the high road’
take the high road
to follow the course of action which is the most moral or most correct and which is least likely to harm or upset other people
US diplomats say the president is likely to take the high road in his statements about trade.
Easy Learning Idioms Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers




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如有”不太正確瑕疵”地方多多包容~小天使會盡量不斷改進修正喔~愛大家❤️ 😇 


😁@/斜/槓/人/生-Slash~它是我現在學到的,一種可體驗『多種不同的生活態度!』的人生方式 😁
❤️小天使不管在哪永遠分享光和愛智慧與祝福給大家~愛你喔~Love You❤️




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